We've just about half way with six days to go!
Help us finish the Kickstarter campaign successfully!

We just got our 100th backer! We are so grateful for all the people who are excited about this project and giving what they can to make it happen!
Together, those 100 folks have pledged $6,726 of our $14,000 goal. It's exciting to watch the numbers keep building and, with only six days to go, we have a lot of work yet to do to get to our goal.
A fair number of pledges are coming from folks who are being introduced to us by Kickstarter, and they are more likely to pledge to a project that is getting close to funded, so if you are intending to pledge, please jump in now and help us create that sense of "we can do it!"
You will find the Kickstarter page here.
Together, those 100 folks have pledged $6,726 of our $14,000 goal. It's exciting to watch the numbers keep building and, with only six days to go, we have a lot of work yet to do to get to our goal.
A fair number of pledges are coming from folks who are being introduced to us by Kickstarter, and they are more likely to pledge to a project that is getting close to funded, so if you are intending to pledge, please jump in now and help us create that sense of "we can do it!"
You will find the Kickstarter page here.
Sneak Preview: listen to what we're creating

We thought you might like a sneak preview of what we've been creating in the studio, so here is a link to the page on our website where you can hear the the bare bones of Ferry Me Over, a piece we've not yet performed live. We'll be making a few changes, and adding harmony vocals and a few other things before we call it done, but this will give you a taste of Timothy Hull's haunting, tender song of passage.
Please Spread the Word
f you have friends who you think would love the music we are making, encourage them to help make it happen by supporting our Kickstarter campaign.
You can also go to our Facebook page and share our Kickstarter announcement with your Facebook network.
If you have questions about any of this, please contact us.
You can also go to our Facebook page and share our Kickstarter announcement with your Facebook network.
If you have questions about any of this, please contact us.