Hello friends and supporters,
The Rising recording process is rolling along. We've been in the studio twice since my last update, and have completed core tracks for all the the pieces on the album!
(For those of you are less familiar with recording processes, the core tracks are generally the rhythm section tracks along with one or more leads. We lay those down first, since the studios we're using are not set up to let us record nine or more parts at once, and then overdub the rest of the parts, sometimes one by one, but more often in groups of two or three.)
The Rising recording process is rolling along. We've been in the studio twice since my last update, and have completed core tracks for all the the pieces on the album!
(For those of you are less familiar with recording processes, the core tracks are generally the rhythm section tracks along with one or more leads. We lay those down first, since the studios we're using are not set up to let us record nine or more parts at once, and then overdub the rest of the parts, sometimes one by one, but more often in groups of two or three.)
We still have recording to do - we'll be in Sacha's small studio this Sunday doing the percussion overdubs, and have a largish handful of others to do after that - but we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
A bit about what we've been doing:
We brought some guests in to sing on the sections of Mouth Music that will be a larger group. Here are the fabulous baritones, Rob Fishel, Jeff Waltz and Tom George.
The new fiddle tune set - a pair of originals by Shawn and Rachel called The Dusty Crow, and Francie and the Birds (and so called by all of us The Bird Set) - came together nicely, with some fun handing around of leads and Bryan generating idea after idea after idea for support parts on his various sized mandolins.
We got nearly everything recorded on our cover of the Decemberists' Don't Carry It All, set down the core tracks on a big, complex and fun as yet unnamed instrumental that Shawn wrote with Jeffrey Kolwitz many years ago, and added more layers to Ferry Me Over (which you heard an early version of on the Kickstarter video).
We also asked Sacha to take some group photos for us, which you'll likely see more of in the near future. Here's one:
We also asked Sacha to take some group photos for us, which you'll likely see more of in the near future. Here's one:
The summer will be filled with overdubs, mixing, album art, and the myriad of details that lay behind what can be seen and heard on the album, but hopefully we will also get some time to just play together in preparation for a late fall CD release party! Last Sunday we dusted off a few pieces from the first album in preparation for that (Alex and Jason got introduced to Tamberling and My Johnny Was a Shoemaker), which was great fun. We'll get you the date for the event (and for when you'll get your CDs and other gifts) as soon as we have it, and keep you posted along the way.
Thanks as always for your support in this process. We are very much looking forward to sharing the new music with you!
Tasha for Kendálin
Thanks as always for your support in this process. We are very much looking forward to sharing the new music with you!
Tasha for Kendálin